our services


Acupuncture is the insertion of thin, sterile filiform needles into specific locations of the body in order to ease pain, aid healing, and support regulation of the nervous system. It has been developed and studied over thousands of years in China, later spreading to Japan and Korea, and eventually across the globe. Recent scientific research cites endorphin release and nerve stimulation as central components of Acupuncture’s action. Traditional wisdom teaches us about energy and blood movement, observing a complex anatomy of body systems, noting how acupuncture can work to move, unblock, and redirect. 

Acupuncture is used to treat many things including chronic pain, menstrual disorders, and insomnia. As noted in the WHO’s Acupuncture: Review and Analysis of Controlled Clinical Trials “The therapeutic effects of acupuncture are [thus] brought about through its regulatory actions on various systems.” Acupuncture can support our bodies in becoming more resilient, letting go of tension, and easing our way out of patterns of pain. 

Acupuncture Pricing:
Initial and Follow-up - $100 (HST exempt)


evidence-based acupuncture

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acupuncture: what you need to know

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acupuncture & herbal medicine resource center

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massage therapy

Massage therapy is the assessment and treatment of soft tissues and joints of the body using specific hands-on techniques. It is a clinically oriented health-care option that achieves undeniable results in the relief of an array of discomforts stemming from injury, repetitive strain, nerve dysfunctions, postural dysfunctions, and many chronic pain syndromes. Massage therapy is also invaluable for physical and emotional stress. By balancing the autonomic nervous system and increasing circulation of oxygen, blood, and lymph through a healing hands-on experience, a session of massage therapy typically leaves the individual feeling relaxed and at ease in their body.

Our Massage Therapists have backgrounds in movement therapies (yoga, pilates, and dance) and incorporate these modalities into their work, whether during a session or for home care.

Massage Therapy Pricing:
60 minutes - $110
90 minutes - $165


Matrix Repatterning

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Fascia and Extra-Cellular Matrix

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Video on Matrix Repatterning

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naturopathic medicine

Naturopathic medicine is a health care system that blends modern scientific knowledge with traditional and natural forms of medicine.  It incorporates the art and science of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of illness using natural therapies such as clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, homeopathy, physical techniques and lifestyle counselling.  

Naturopathic doctors (NDs) are primary health care providers specializing in natural and preventative medicine, and play an important role in integrative health care.  They receive at least 7 years of full-time post-secondary education, including an undergraduate degree, and 4 years at an accredited naturopathic medical school.   Training encompasses medical sciences such as physical examination, diagnostic testing, pathology and pharmacology, as well as naturopathic principles and therapeutics and 1200 hours of supervised clinical practice.  

NDs are consulted by people experiencing a wide range of acute and chronic conditions as well as those who wish to optimize their health and prevent disease.  Naturopathic protocols  are tailored to the individual using an evidence-based approached, and are complimentary to other forms of treatment that patients may be receiving.  

Appointment Fees are HST Exempt:

First Appointment (1 hour): $180
Follow-up Appointment (45 min): $150
Follow-up Appointment (30 min): $110
Follow-up Appointment (15 min): $55

Student, senior and child discounts available.


Osteopathy is fast becoming recognized as one of the most effective and scientifically valid treatments available. Disease and illness of any sort is a physical condition, a bodily reaction to a stressor.  At any stage of life, physical freedom is what allows us to function normally, without it, dysfunction occurs in many forms, most commonly, pain.

Every person is assessed in terms of their body and their circumstances.  Osteopaths do not treat a disease, they treat the individual.  Each pain and illness has many components which are just signals for an underlying body function or dysfunction. Therefore there are very few people, no matter what the symptom, that do not benefit from osteopathic treatment.   The treatment might not “cure” some disabilities, like cerebral palsy and Down’s syndrome or the more advanced and chronic diseases, such as cancer and rheumatoid arthritis, but it helps alleviate many of the associated problems. It may be able to help with aspects such as high muscular tone or control, the function of the bowel and bladder and respiratory disorders. Osteopathy also attends to the general health and well being of an individual.

It is also commonly used for general check-ups and preventative treatment including;

  • Arthritis

  • Sports training and injuries

  • General fitness

  • Postural, work and home help

  • General pain relief

  • Repetitive strain

  • Back and neck sprain

  • Peripheral joint and muscular strains (arms & legs)

  • Babies, children and pregnancy

  • Headaches and migraines

  • Breathing disorders such as asthma

  • Jaw, facial pain and dentistry problems

  • Ear pain and drainage

  • Abdominal complaints (e.g. IBS & endometriosis)

  • Disabilities

Just as people have a family doctor who may care for children throughout their growth and development, many people have a family osteopath.

Osteopath Pricing:
45 min session - $126.50 (includes HST)
Effective October 09/23- $138.00 (includes tax)


Jim Jealous, DO: Healing and the Natural World

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History of Osteopathy

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